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Exclusive | Zhuhai victims heard sound ‘like earthquake’ but had no time to escape: survivor


Local police said on Tuesday night that 35 people had been killed and 43 injured in the incident that has shocked the country.

A 47-year-old local man, who asked only to be identified by his surname Chen, said on Wednesday that he had been exercising with a group of walkers at a fitness and running trail outside a local sports stadium at the time of the attack on Monday night.

Chen only escaped because he was on the edge of the group but if he had been in his usual place in the middle he may not have survived.

He told the Post that hundreds of walking enthusiasts from six different groups went there most nights to exercise and estimated there were around 300 people there at the time.

At around 7.30pm, the group began walking along the trail, but after less than 20 minutes, they heard a sound like “a rock falling from a mountain”, as the SUV rushed towards them “without slowing down”.

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