Google has started rolling out its Gemini app on Android to users in India. While there’s no dedicated app on iOS, iPhone owners will be able to see a toggle on the top of the Google app, allowing them to enable and utlise the features of the artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbot. The tech giant launched the Android app on February 8, but the rollout was limited to the US. Now, the app is being expanded to more than 150 countries and territories.
According to Google’s support page, the Gemini mobile app is now available in English, Korean, and Japanese languages and is being expanded to more than 150 countries and territories. The full list of countries is listed on Google’s support page. The iPhone users don’t have a dedicated app at the moment, but they can use Gemini’s AI capabilities through the Google app, which now has a toggle button on the top-right that allows access to the chatbot. Gadgets 360 was able to confirm the availability of the Gemini toggle on the Google app on iOS 17.2.1.
The Gemini app requires a smartphone with at least 4GB of RAM. It must also run Android 12 or newer versions of Google’s operating system. Similarly, the Gemini toggle is available to iPhone users running iOS 16 and newer. As the AI service is only available in English, Japanese, and Korean, it will only be available on smartphones set to use these languages. Lastly, users should be signed in to a personal Google Account or a Workspace account where the administrator has enabled the feature. In case, you still cannot see the app or the toggle, it is worth noting that the global rollout started on Thursday and is expected to continue for a few more days.
Jack Krawczyk, Senior Director of Product at Google, who is also handling Gemini, revealed in a post on X (formerly known as Twitter) that the Gemini app’s restrictions on image uploading and image generation were being somewhat relaxed. However, he added, “We’ll continue to work through responsibly aligning on refusals with both images and text.” More features and expansion to more regions are currently in progress, as per the Gemini head.
Some users who added Gemini as the default assistant over Google Assistant in Android smartphones had complained that there was no clarity on which in-device features was the AI capable of performing. Krawczyk said in a post on Wednesday, “Working on making it more clear exactly which Assistant features are work in progress vs which are available now. (also working on narrowing that gap!)”
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