Mi Smart Band 7 and Redmi Buds 4 Pro were launched in China on Tuesday. The new fitness band comes in two models: Standard Version and NFC Version. It carries a bigger AMOLED touch display as compared to the Mi Band 6. Xiaomi has also bundled the band with various health monitoring features including heart rate monitoring, and SpO2 measurement. The Redmi Buds 4 Pro is claimed to offer 360-degree surround sound, and up to 36 hours of total battery life. There is also an active noise cancellation (ANC) feature with a transparency mode.
Mi Smart Band 7 price and availability
The Mi Smart Band 7 price has been set at CNY 249 (roughly Rs. 2,900) for the Standard Version, and CNY 299 (roughly Rs. 3,500) for the NFC Version. The band is available for pre-booking, and will go on sale from May 31. Xiaomi has launched the band in six colours: Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, and White. Customers will also be able to purchase Summer Limited Edition wrist bands.
Redmi Buds 4 Pro price and availability
The Redmi Buds 4 Pro price has been set at CNY 399 (roughly Rs. 4,650). The band is available for pre-booking, and will go on sale from May 31 in Black and White colour options.
There is no information on Mi Smart Band 7 and Redmi Buds 4 Pro launch in India yet.
Mi Smart Band 7 supports over 100 watch faces
Photo Credit: Xiaomi
Mi Smart Band 7 specifications
The Mi Smart Band 7 is the successor to the Mi Smart Band 6, and features a 1.62-inch full screen AMOLED touch Always-On display that is claimed to have 25 percent more viewable area as compared to its predecessor. It has 192×490 pixel resolution, 500 nits of peak brightness, and 326ppi of pixel density. Xiaomi has also provided over 100 customisable band faces allowing users to choose a personalised look for their wearable. The Mi Smart Band 7 comes with various health-related features such as heart rate monitoring, sleep monitoring, SpO2 monitoring and women’s health tracking.
When it comes to fitness-related features, the Mi Smart Band 7 supports a total of 120 sports modes, including indoor training such as stretching, professional sports like gymnastics, skipping, and tennis, apart from activities including Zumba. The band also supports four professional sports data analysis such as recovery time and training load, among others.
Xiaomi claims that the Mi Smart Band 7 delivers up to 14 days of battery life on a single charge. The band is certified to 5ATM water resistance and carries a magnetic port for charging. The band offers support for call and message notifications. It comes with Bluetooth v5.2 as well as NFC feature for connectivity, and measures 46.5×20.7×12.25mm.
Redmi Buds 4 Pro specifications
The Redmi Buds 4 Pro earphones are equipped with a 10mm aluminium-magnesium alloy moving coil diaphragm along with a 6mm titanium moving coil diaphragm for a clear sound, deep bass, and a 360-degree surround sound. They are claimed to deliver noise cancellation up to 43dB, and come equipped with a transparency mode. The earphones have microphones that deploy a noise reduction algorithm for clear calling experience.
Redmi Buds 4 Pro come in Black and White colours
Photo Credit: Xiaomi
The Redmi Buds 4 Pro offer a low latency mode (59ms) that automatically activates as soon as the connected device enters the game mode, as per Xiaomi. The earphones are claimed to offer a 9 hours of playback from buds, and a total of up to 36 hours of battery with noise cancellation off. They can be charged via a USB Type-C port. The earphones offer touch panels to control music and calling. They are IP54 rated for dust and water resistance, and use Bluetooth v5.3 for connectivity.
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