Protests in Georgia: where is the country heading?

The Georgian government’s announcement that it will suspend the EU rapprochement process has triggered widespread protest in Georgia. Tens of thousands took to the streets at the weekend and there were violent clashes with security forces. The protesters are calling for new elections under international supervision – as was already the case after the election at the end of October. The country is once again at a crossroads.

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Tbilisi slipping towards the Kremlin

The Süddeutsche Zeitung is worried:

“In Tbilisi the ruling elite has long ceased to care what the people want. … But the majority of Georgians feel doubly and triply betrayed. Many no longer believe that their government is serious about Europe and democracy. Over the years it has devised one repressive law after another – or copied them from Russia. In its balancing act between Brussels and the Kremlin it has slipped more and more towards the Kremlin. Things are only likely to get worse from here.”

Compromise with the West seems out of reach

Ukrainska Pravda looks at the reasons behind the Georgian leadership’s decision to put EU integration on hold:

“It seems that this escalation was necessary for the ruling Georgian Dream party for one reason: to get ahead of the West and show that the decision to freeze relations was taken in Tbilisi and is not an EU initiative. This means that Tbilisi no longer believes in the possibility of a compromise with the West. The events of 28 and 29 November, however, significantly increase the likelihood of the West not recognising the legitimacy of the recent parliamentary elections and imposing sanctions on key members of the Georgian government. At the same time, this would bring the anti-government protests to a new level.”

EU no longer attractive to everyone

Not everyone in Georgia is happy with the EU’s demands, writes the pro-government daily Magyar Nemzet:

“One cannot say that there is no Russian influence, but nor can one say that the EU is not exerting political pressure on Georgia. Of course there is a constant battle going on in the background, with each country trying to win over as many allies as possible. … The EU is a community of interests and not an ideological bloc. It cannot justify why Georgia should pass laws to extend LGBTQ rights, but it is nonetheless calling for this major change. If Tbilisi objects, it is stamped as pro-Russian. But understandably, not everyone is happy about this categorisation.”