Realme Buds Air 6 truly wireless stereo (TWS) earphones were launched in India on Wednesday (May 22) alongside the Realme GT 6T smartphone. The latest addition to the company’s TWS audio lineup arrives in two colour options with a familiar in-ear design. They feature a 12.4mm driver and offer an active noise cancellation (ANC) feature to reduce external noise. The Realme Buds Air 6 are claimed to deliver a latency rate of 55 milliseconds for gaming. They support the new LHDC 5.0 codec.
Realme Buds Air 6 price, availability
The new Realme Buds Air 6 are priced at Rs. 3,299 in India. They are offered in Flame Silver and Forest Green colour options. The earbuds will go on first sale with a special price tag of Rs. 2,999 (including bank offers) from May 27 12pm IST. It will be available for purchase starting May 29 through Realme India website, Amazon and other major retailers.
Realme Buds Air 6 specifications
Realme Buds Air 6 feature 12.4mm drivers with a frequency response range of 20Hz to 40KHz and 32 ohms impedance. They offer latency as low as 55ms to enhance gaming experience. Realme has packed three microphones in each earbud. The earbuds offer an ANC feature that is said to reduce external noise by up to 50dB. They deliver different types of noise cancellation including intelligent dynamic noise cancellation, deep noise reduction, moderate noise reduction, and mild noise reduction.
Each earbud features two 64dB signal-to-noise ratio feedforward and feedback microphones, along with a dual-core noise cancellation chipset. This combination is said to offer up to 4,000Hz ultra-wideband noise reduction. They have Hi-res certification as well.
Realme’s Buds Air 6 have Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity and support for SBC, AAC and LHDC codecs. They also work with voice assistants and have the Google Fast Pair feature. They feature touch controls that allow users to pause music, and answer or hang up a call with few taps. They are IP55-rated for dust and water resistance.
Realme Buds Air 6 are equipped with a 58mAh battery, while the charging case houses a 460mAh battery. The earbuds are claimed to deliver up to five hours of call time with ANC on and up to 40 hours of music playback time with ANC off at 50 percent volume including the charging case. They weigh 46 grams.
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