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Gender? Economy? Experts weigh in on which factor is most likely to flip the presidential race


When the votes are counted in the U.S. presidential election, will it be the gender gap, the income gap, the Latino vote or the media and marketing campaigns that turned out to be decisive?

CNBC senior economics reporter Steve Liesman sat down with four polling experts for an in-depth look into the data to see which ones could turn the election to either Vice President Kamala Harris or former President Donald Trump. The panel included Steve Kornacki, NBC News national political correspondent; Mark Murray, NBC News senior political editor; Micah Roberts, Public Opinion Strategies partner and CNBC’s Republican pollster; and Jay Campbell, Hart Research partner and CNBC’s Democratic pollster.

The conclusion? Yes, it is likely to be the economy. But it is also other factors such as character and turnout, which candidate represents change, who generates enthusiasm and who the persuadable voters finally decide to support that will help determine the outcome.

See the full video above to hear the discussion.

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