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A symptom of political weakness | El Mundo – Spain


El País sees the situation as very serious:

“With this unprecedented step, Pedro Sánchez is pointing the finger directly at Santiago Abascal [Vox] and Alberto Núñez Feijóo [PP], whom he describes, along with [the far-right group] Manos Limpias as part of a ‘coalition of right-wing and far-right interests that is spreading across the key Western democracies’. One can’t but think of Portugal and the resignation of Prime Minister António Costa over allegations of influence peddling, which have just been dismissed by the courts but put an end to a progressive government that had an absolute majority. … Anyone who believes that there was a calculated strategy behind the letter should reread it carefully and see how emotionally charged it is. … Whatever the outcome, it is unthinkable that nothing will happen on Monday.”

Article was originally published from here

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