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China investigates head of Shanghai’s free-trade zone for corruption


The Communist Party chief of Shanghai’s Pudong New Area, Zhu Zhisong, is under investigation on suspicion of corruption.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) said on Wednesday that Zhu, 55, an aerospace veteran, was suspected of committing “serious violations of discipline and law” – a euphemism for corruption.

Zhu is the first party chief of Shanghai’s Pudong New Area to come under investigation since the district, a major testing ground for China’s economic reforms, was established in 1992.

However, he is the second “tiger”, or senior official, in Shanghai to be targeted by the CCDI since the party wrapped up a major reshuffle at its 20th congress in October 2022.

In July last year, Dong Yunhu, Shanghai’s top legislator, was put under investigation before being sentenced in August this year to life in prison for accepting 148 million yuan (US$20.4 million) in bribes.

Zhu’s last public appearance was on Monday afternoon during an inspection tour of two Pudong New Area communities.

He also attended the Hongqiao International Economic Forum on November 6, telling a gathering that Pudong would further promote institutional opening up and better align with high-standard international economic and trade rules, state media reported.

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