Sony SRS-RA3000 has launched in India. It boasts of 360-degree audio and smart features like Chromecast and voice control. The wireless speaker, as per Sony, spreads background music both horizontally and vertically for an immersive yet unobtrusive experience. Sony SRS-RA3000 comes with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity and there seem to be two colour options. There are bronze accents on the smart speaker with black fabric-like material. Sony SRS-RA3000 was originally launched in early January in the European market.
Sony SRS-RA3000 price in India, availability
The SRS-RA3000 by Sony is priced at Rs. 19,990 and will be available from February 24 onwards across Sony retail stores,, Amazon, and major electronic stores.
Sony SRS-RA3000 speaker debuted in the European market in early January along with the more-premium Sony SRS-RA5000.
Sony SRS-RA3000 specifications, features
Sony SRS-RA3000 is packed with two tweeter units, one full-range speaker, and two passive radiators. The tweeter units are 17mm, the full-range unit is 80mm, and the passive radiators are 103x37mm. It comes with 360 Reality Audio surround sound, custom equalisers, digital sound enhancement engine, auto volume, and auto sound calibration.
Connectivity options include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and 3.5mm audio jack. It supports A2DP, AVRCP (Absolute Volume), and SPP profiles as well as SBC and AAC codecs. It also has inbuilt Chromecast. Sony SRS-RA3000 works with Google Assistant, Alexa, and Spotify Connect. The smart speaker offers ambient room-filling sound as it bounces off music both horizontally and vertically. The 360 Reality Audio incorporates three-dimensional sound location data. The dual passive radiators deliver deep bass, as per the company.
Thanks to voice assistant support, Google Assistant or Alexa can be used to control Sony SRS-RA3000 with your voice. The speaker automatically calibrates the sound to deliver optimum experience. It also constantly adjusts the volume so some parts don’t get too loud.
On the top of the Sony SRS-RA3000 speaker you get a few buttons along with volume control and play/ pause control. The smart speaker measures 146x247x155mm and weighs 2.5kg.
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