Redmi A2 and Redmi A2+ smartphones have been launched in India on Friday, May 19. The new affordable models by the Xiaomi sub-brand have a water-drop style notch display and are offered in multiple colour options. Both the models feature 5,000mAh batteries and run on MediaTek Helio G36 SoC, coupled with up to 4GB of RAM and a maximum of 64GB of storage. The Redmi A2 series sports a 6.52-inch HD+ LCD screen and has an 8-megapixel dual rear camera unit. Both smartphones offer similar specifications, however, the Redmi A2+ has a fingerprint sensor. The Redmi A2 and Redmi A2+ will go on sale in India starting May 23.
Redmi A2, Redmi A2+ price in India, availability
Price of the Redmi A2 has been set at Rs. 5,999 for the base 2GB RAM + 32GB storage variant. The variant with 2GB RAM + 64GB storage is priced at Rs. 6,499, whereas the 4GB RAM + 64GB storage model is priced at Rs. 7,499. The Redmi A2+ on the other hand, is priced at Rs. 8,499 for the sole 4GB RAM + 64GB storage model. They are available in Black, Light Green, and Light Blue shades.
Both the handsets will be available for purchase in the country through Amazon,, Mi Home stores, and Xiaomi’s retail partners starting May 23 at 12pm IST.
Redmi is offering Rs. 500 cashback for customers purchasing the Redmi A2 series smartphones using ICICI Bank cards. They come with two years warranty as well.
Redmi A2, Redmi A2+ specifications
Dual SIM Redmi A2 and Redmi A2+ run on Android 13 and feature a 6.52-inch HD+ (1600 x 720 pixels) LCD screen with 120Hz touch sampling rate. The handsets have a waterdrop-style notch on the screen for housing the selfie shooters. The Redmi A2 series phones are powered by a MediaTek Helio G36 SoC, with up to 4GB of RAM. With the virtual RAM functionality, the available memory can be expanded up to 7GB.
For optics, the Redmi A2 and Redmi A2 have an AI-backed dual rear camera unit comprising an 8-megapixel primary sensor and a QVGA camera. For selfies and video chats, they carry a 5-megapixel camera sensor at the front.
Both models offer up to 64GB of onboard storage that supports expansion using a microSD card (up to 512GB) through a dedicated slot. Connectivity options include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, FM radio, and a 3.5mm headphone jack. As mentioned, the Redmi A2+ also features a fingerprint scanner for biometric authentication.
The Redmi A2 series house 5,000mAh batteries with 10W fast charging support via bundled charger. The battery is said to deliver up to 32 days of standby time and up to 150 hours of playtime on a single charge.
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